Recently 2day2gether has received a referral of a new person needing Mental Health Support from Chris at Healthwatch Dudley….
The story they told of the complete lack of support is one I’ve heard far too many times, I’ve shared it on social media and now I’m going to share it on the 2day2gether website for everyone to see and for a reference to come back to, to show exactly how 2day2gether can and will make a huge difference to your life in 2019 and beyond….
Options for Mental Health Support in Dudley
1. Counselling sessions at the GP’s
The individual looking for Mental Health support and help got a succession of cancelled appointments culminating in no counselling and no support whatsoever….
2. Dudley Talking Therapies
The individual looking for Mental Health support and help phoned them, had a conversation and received a letter, months ago, telling them they were on waiting list. They have heard nothing since….
I’m going to allocate the individual in question a false name, Pete, so the sequence of events, highlighting just how good we are at 2day2gether, makes sense….
3. 2day2gether
The individual looking for Mental Health support and help was given 2day2gether’s phone number by Chris at Healthwatch Dudley:-
– 2day2gether received a text from “Pete” (remember Pete is a false name) on Friday 14th December 2018
– 2day2gether replied to the Pete’s text Saturday 15th December 2018
– Jon Mansell aka exboozehound spoke with Pete on the phone Monday 17th December 2018
– Jon aka exboozehound met with Pete on Wednesday 19th December 2018
– exboozehound passed Pete’s number and basic details onto Ken (one of our LEW’s – Life Experience Warriors) Ken spoke with Pete a couple of times on the phone
– Ken met with Pete on Saturday 29th December 2018
– Jon aka exboozehound spoke with Pete on Monday 31st December 2018
– Pete will be attending various group meetings run by 2day2gether in the New Year
2nd January 2019 – Jon aka exboozehound from 2day2gether picked Pete and his brother up and took them both to Wolverhampton Magistrates Court and helped Pete with negotiations with the other parties solicitor. Jon went into court with Pete to look after his mental state as a volunteer mental health worker
Remember Pete is a false name
On the evening of 2nd January 2day2gether received an email from Pete’s brother, who I’m sure no one could deny has received excellent mental health support rarely found anywhere else other than 2day2gether….
The incredible level of Mental Health support and help we have provided at 2day2gether in this case is what everyone should be receiving and 2day2gether challenges anyone who doubts what impact we can have on people’s lives to put us to the test…. And I do mean anyone including the NHS, CCG’s, Police, Adult Social Care, Councils, Third Party Organisations, etc etc, bring it on and we will blow any other organisation out of the water…. 😉
“enjoy the good and ride out the bad”
Keep going (One day or one hour at a time) 😉