About Me
Hey im Becs, I’m 19 and the youngest (by far 😉) of 2day2gether team. Some of you might know me from my post ‘Four Letter Words’ on exboozehound’s blog. Since I was 11 I’ve struggled with my mental health and self harm and quite frankly didnt think it could get any worse. That was until I found myself in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship at 14. My life wasn’t worth living anymore.
I am now a diagnosed ‘mentalist’ as Jon says but am currently getting my ass beat by my mental illnesses. Over the last 8 years I’ve struggled with suicide, selfharm and alcohol dependancy but by being a part of 2day2gether I hope to be able to help someone. Just one person.
I’m proud to know exboozehound, he is an inspiration to many including myself and I’m now very proud that he sees me as an inspiration.
I volunteer with Dudley Young Health Champions, a youth led project made up of other youth led projects. A lot of the projects we support and plan are around mental health and the 5 ways to wellbeing.
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