I originally posted my ‘About Me’ page in November 2013….
About Me
Hi, my name is Jon I am “exboozehound” you can probably work out I have had one or two issues with booze over the years. Fortunately my last drink was on the 17th February 2003, the day before I started a 4 week stay at the Woodbourne Priory Hospital.
I have suffered with depression since my teens, I am now 40 and unfortunately Clinical Depression has got the better of me and is currently winning the war.
So, to sum up I am a 40 year old Mentally Ill Alcoholic who is winning against booze but losing against depression.
I have started this blog to share my experiences, good and bad. I am going to be completely honest and I guarantee I will contradict myself from time to time.
I have had a horrendous time over the last few months and if this blog can help even just one person in a very small way it will be worth it.
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